Monday, July 18, 2011

Cheapest Cities In The World Found At the India

New Delhi, the government is difficult to fight against rising inflation in the country, but a global survey has found two major Indian cities - Mumbai and New Delhi - five to be the cheapest cost of living places live.In World Wide Survey of India 'financial capital of Mumbai is the cheapest place to third place alive, while the national capital New Delhi is the fifth.
The annual survey, conducted in the international research firm Economist Intelligence Unit, argues that the ranking of as many as 134 major locations around the world on the basis of various elements of the cost of transporting food toiletries.In year is a ranking of the world's most expensive cities Mumbai is placed one hundred and thirty first position, to one hundred and thirty second place a year ago, while New Delhi remained 129th.The only two places to be found in Tunis Tunisia is cheaper than Mumbai and Karachi in Pakistan. Tehran, Iran is ranked as one hundred and thirtieth is cheaper than in New Delhi's position.

Japan Tokyo is the most expensive place in the world are ranked, followed by Oslo (Norway), Japan "in Kobe, Osaka, Paris (France) and Zurich (Switzerland) in the upper five.Others top ten include Sydney, Melbourne, Frankfurt, Geneva and Singapore.The India's cheapest linnades''sekka five have come as a surprise, because rising prices are a serious concern for the common man as well as politicians country.Only Minister Pranab Mukherjee today said that the economy was inflationary, but inflation has gone down food segment marginally.He also said that overall inflation for the month of June could see some upward movement, from 9.06 percent recorded in May.

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