As most of you know, one of my favorite things to do is peruse around Etsy for interesting items. I recently had the pleasure of discovering a wonderful stationary shop on Etsy that got me totally stoked about the upcoming holiday season. Crafterall is a handmade stationary shop with an interesting style that is simplistic and modern and leaves you wanting more! *photos compliments of Crafterall*

1. What initially interested you in making stationary?
One of the things I love about paper is that it is everywhere. It's a very affordable, if not downright free, material. On top of that it's incredibly versatile. I've always had a fondness for paper, for what I can do with it, and for the words that may fall upon it at some point. I've been creating cards since I was in high school, and as familiar territory, it was a natural progression to move it into a business. Because every card and piece of art I make is unique, there's enough variance to keep the actions fresh and not get burned out. And honestly, because I tend to "re-invest" in my work (materials, storage, packaging, marketing, etc.) my business still tends to feel very much like a hobby.
Choosing a name for my shop was like choosing an image for a tattoo -- I wanted it to be meaningful, easily recognizable, and something that represented what I do. Since I have a pull towards all things crafty, I created a name that alludes to multiple media, purpose, and price. In a nutshell, I hope to create items that appeal to a diverse group of people who share one common trait: the appreciation of handmade works. I've started with my most familiar territory: paper. I like to fold it, cut it, and share it. In the near future, I hope to also offer fabric pieces and sketches as well.
2. Your TOPOgraphical style is very unique, how did you arrive at this for your designs?
Trial and error, experimentation, and happy accident all conspired together to allow me to ultimately arrive at the topographical style of my work. I incorrectly assumed that there would be only a little interest in the style, or that people wouldn't think it as interesting as I did. Instead, cartographers, graphic designers, golfers, abstract artists, and lake lovers from all over the world have come of out of the woodwork to check it out, and I could not be happier.
My first twenty listings on Etsy were unlike anything that is currently there. Simple cards made from patterned scrapbook paper with a stamped greeting didn't exactly make the front page. My first sale was two weeks after I opened. From there it was fairly slow until I started listing original papercut art. Once I started listing the first versions of my topo cards, the selling began to pick up and I felt the first inklings of a shop identity. These days, I see more of a direct correlation between listing and sales than anything else. Still, I try to keep the shop fresh with new designs, new experiments, and I'm always open to custom orders.
4. Any interesting tidbits?
I am grateful every single day for the kind of life I live. I'm able to stay at home with my youngest while my older daughter goes to school, and my husband works from home, so we exist together in a pretty idyllic little bubble. Every once in a while I'll get down about something: toddler spilled juice on the carpet, kids argue over a toy, I've got a big order to fill, I need to rush to get to the post office before it closes, etc. And then I snap out of it and realize that I am "living the dream", and that life is way too short to complain. I once heard Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies fame respond to an interview question about the hardships of touring with the band. He said he dislikes it when bands complain or even write ballads about being on tour. Touring is a benefit of being popular and successful, as well as part of the job bands "sign up" for when performing. This struck me as an honest truth that easily transcends the world of rock bands.
Do what you love. Love what you do.
Well said indeed, Marnie always has a passion for helping the planet and therefore sends all Crafterall scraps to another great shop on Etsy where Kendra Zvonik makes products from the remains of Crafterall projects! These projects are fun, useful, and green. Great combination! Be sure to check out Green Post for great present toppers and gifts for Christmas. *photos compliments of Green Post*
And get excited readers because Marnie is offering an exclusive discount
for you! From now until December 15th, Crafterall is offereing all Embellished readers a 25% refund on any purchase! Just be sure to mention "Embellished" in your note to seller.
Happy Christmas Card shopping!
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